Partner Services
Age UK
“Our focus, more than ever, is on the older people who need us the most. Too many older people are living in poverty or just above the poverty line. Too many find themselves without the care and support they desperately need. Too many have no one to turn to.”
AgeUK have recently released a new publication, called a “Guide to Later Life” which outlines how AgeUK can help improve your later life with dignity and independence.

Benefits Services
Here you can make a benefit claim, tell us about a change in circumstances, apply for grants and more.

Carers Trust
Provides help for families and carers young and old. A one stop shop to provide information, advice and support. If you are a carer within our network you may be entitled to claim benefits to support you in providing care.
Coventry Central Library,
Smithford Way,
Tel: 02476 632972

Coventry Citizens Advice
Kirby House,
Little Park Street,
Tel: 02476 223284
Open Monday to Friday, 9.30am – 1.00pm, talk to a member of staff who is able to advise how the service might best assist you.
* Due to high demand the drop in service regularly ends before 1.00pm; so you are advised to attend as early as possible.

Coventry City Council Health & Wellbeing
Advice and information on healthy living, health protection, infectious diseases, family health and wellbeing and mental health support.

Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre
Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre (CRMC) welcomes and empowers asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants in Coventry to rebuild their lives and achieve their potential.
Norton House,
Bird Street,
Tel: 02476 227254

Integrate Coventry
Helping you rebuild your life in Coventry
Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre – Building Lives, Enabling Integration (

Support for Carers
Informal group, share experiences, supportive.
Carers Trust Heart of England,
Carer’s Centre,
Coventry Central Library,
Smithford Way,
Tel: 02476 101040 – option 3

Age UK Coventry
To make an appointment call in or telephone our reception on 024 7623 1999 between 9.30am – 4.30pm.
Advice, information and support is provided either by the telephone or in office. Home visits can sometimes be arranged.

Benefits Advice Line
Broadgate House,
Tel: 02476 832000

Counselling Service – Kooth
Online mental wellbeing counselling support for young people.
Your online mental wellbeing community
Free, safe and anonymous support
Please also see links to videos below, which give an overview of the different features of Kooth:
– Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people
– Magazine
– Discussion Boards
– Goals
– Journal
– Messaging
– Chat

Coventry NHS Talking Therapies
NHS Talking Therapies is a free NHS service to help people with mild, moderate and moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety and low mood.
If you are currently registered with a GP in Coventry, Warwickshire or Solihull and are over the age of 16 years old and suffering with low mood and anxiety you can self-refer.

Healthier You – Preventing Diabetes
Do you know you are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes? Would you be interested in a free programme that has helped more than 100,000 people in England to reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes?
The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme can help you reduce your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
Full link for all dates/PI session sign-up is on our website.

Coventry & Warwickshire Mind,
Wellington Gardens,
Windsor St,
Tel: 02476 552847
Coventry City Council links to supports groups and local organisations.